Caspar Olevianus (1536–1587) on faith



“Since, then, in the Articles of the Faith, which contain a summary of the gospel, Christ the King Himself offers to us that kingdom of His; and since He effectually confederates us to Himself through faith by the power of His Spirit so that He might rule in us, let us briefly explain what faith is. Once we know the will of God, faith is to assent to Him in the whole of His Word as one who is true and omnipotent. It is thus to give Him glory and not to give consideration to anything in ourselves or other creatures that appears contrary to His Word. The primary goal of faith is to look in this Word at the promise of the gospel, the promise that the Father truly presents Himself to us in Christ and through the Holy Spirit graciously justifies those engrafted into Christ, sanctifies us more and more, and preserves us by that same power by which Christ was raised from the dead and had all things subjected to Him. This is so that the hope of eternal life that is grounded in this truth and power might be most certain.”

– Caspar Olevianus (1536–1587), An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, p. 16